Stathopoulos returns home

A remarkable and  contradictory journey!
My instrument carefully packed By Giannis Tsoulogianis

The  long and successful journey of  the A/I Stathopoulos bouzouki, writes its last chapter, as Giannis Tsoulogiannis delivers  my instrument to the  Greek  post office for international shipment.

This Journey is really remarkable and at the same time contradictory!
The A/I Stathopoulos bouzouki been revived, by the talented hands of Giannis, at Stathopoulos' birthplace (Magoula Sparta), and returns back to Stathopoulos country of migration, the place where he lived most of his life, and created musical instruments.

This backward path creates an interesting  circle between  two continents , two compatriot luthiers, and one bouzouki instrument, returning  contrary to clockwise the bouzouki history more than 100 years back!

I hope for a good omen! My next post will have a full evaluation on Giannis Tsoulogiannis bouzouki sound and creation.
Stay tuned!

PS: On another note my favorite trichordo luthier list obtained its own page on this blog,  for  better and easier user access. The list will be updated periodically including more talented trichordo bouzouki makers.


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