"The silicone valley" bouzouki

Experimenting with the Golden Ratio logarithm!

After a long  absence for a month, Memories of the Innocent Age will soon return back to actively posting in this bog.

In the meantime the luthier Giannis Tsoulogiannis, slowly but steadily and with attention to details, continues to build the three course bouzouki instrument, inspired by the 1950's Zozef Terzivassian's beautiful bouzoukia
This musical instrument will carry one of a kind personal design of  sound hole, pick-guard and soundboard decoration, which follows the laws of the Golden Ratio logarithm.

A lot of speculation has been generated by bouzouki enthusiasts, after my first public post regarding Zozef Terzivassian's  bouzouki construction and design, and my hypothesis that the early Zozef bouzouki decorations followed the golden ratio rule.

No one can say with certainty that my hypothesis has some solid base.
But from my own personal experience - (decoding and using the  Golden Ratio logarithm for the last 3 months,in creation of dozen of bouzouki designs and decorations), -the use of such a tool is at least handy, if not necessary.

Further more, it is not a coincidence that the harmony and proportion provided by use of  Golden Ratio logarithm,  has been recognized for thousands of centuries: from the Pyramids in Giza to the Parthenon in Athens; from Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to Leonardo da Vinci  Mona Lisa; and from the Pepsi logo to the Twitter logo. Our bodies and faces even follow the mathematical ratio.
In fact, our brains are seemingly hard-wired to prefer objects and images that use the Golden Ratio. It’s almost a subconscious attraction and even tiny tweaks that make an image truer to the Golden Ratio have a large impact on our brains.

As a test, I used the Golden Ratio logarithm in bouzouki decoration  by placing the most  unique and  unfitted elements.The results at the end were still attractive, creating a visual harmony and an aesthetic flow.

Bellow is the creation of "The Silicone Valley" bouzouki, a concept design using tech decorative elements  and the Golden Ratio logarithm to place them.

SDimis (C) 2017 All rights reserved
No portion of the above artwork may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from  S.Dimis / Memories of the innocent age


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