The big flower at the top!

Time of patience and great anticipation!

The luthier Giannis Tsoulogiannis, finalized the creation of the head-stock (karaolo) design.

The decoration is being inspired by the bold 1950s Zozef's style decoration, following the Golden Ratio algorithm.

Showcasing a big daisy-style flower growing out from a small garden pot, the karaolo design carries the three dimensional perspective we often notice on Zozef's 1950s bouzouki head-stocks.  

Giannis  sent me a photo after placing the celluloid acrylic decoration on top of the bouzouki's unshaped head-stock. 

At the end, the luthier glued the head-stock decoration and filed its final shape

Once again it is the time of patience and great anticipation  as the first bouzouki following the Golden Ratio logarithm, starts to be materialized!

Stay tuned !


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