At the sounds of Zeibekiko

Night sky:Created with 3D program by SDimis
I woke up very early this morning, before the sunrise, and I took a small walk to the park near my home. As I was feeling the cool air on my face, I remembered the excellent rebetiko song "Prin to xarama"(Before the sunrise), composed by the talented Ioanni Papaioannou and written by Charalampos Vasileiadis.
What really makes this song to stand up among others of that era, is the combination of a great zeibekiko rhythm to the beautiful descriptive lyrics of Vasileiadis :
"Πριν ακόμα σβήσουν τ' άστρα, εξεπόρτισα,
αχ να ξανάβρω τα δυο χείλη, που ποτέ δε χόρτασα "
"Before even the stars faded out, I stepped out of the door,
to find again the two lips, I never got enough of "
Posted on youtube by fasfi
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