3 course pre-war style
Back to designing process!

1. Original Photo (c)http://www.trixorda.blogspot.com

2. Masking the shape of the instrument

3. Cleaning, rebuilding & color adjusting the sound board

4. Adding fillets, sound hole design, and pick guard

5. Adding soundboard design, strings and fret design
Just before the great celebration of Christmas day, I finally took the decision to order a new trixordo (3 course) bouzouki, by the hands of Giannis Tsoulogiannis.
The greatly anticipated oriental tzouras will have to wait a little longer, as the thirst for the sweet pre-war sound of the old rebetika has been finally defined, as my next goal .
The above images illustrate the process of my first attempt, designing a new trichordo bouzouki, based on shape and dimensions of an existing mulberry 3 course bouzouki, created by the same luthier.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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